Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Project Drawing Final Project Presentation

Here is the video of my final project presentation yesterday:

Monday, June 8, 2009


I have created an 'online presence' for Digital Literacy - a website to show my art to friends and family.

Have a look at:


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Power Point Presentation

Here is my techno-phobic-style power point presentation that includes essential-could-not-live-without machines in my life, with a couple of art works chucked in for good measure.

Tres basic

Creative Commons Licence

kamonegi_jp's photostream


Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

This licence is the most restrictive of our six main licences, allowing redistribution. This licence is often called the “free advertising” licence because it allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they mention you and link back to you, but they cannot change them in any way or use them commercially.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 11 Electronic Art and The Network

Choose two electronic artists from the lecture and find some information about them online (– are your sources reliable?) Write a post for each artist with a short introduction to their practice and add images/moving image as necessary.

The yes men are very entertaining and ballsy...

This off their site and they say:

Take what you want! We live in the Creative Commons. So I have.

THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD (dir. Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno, Kurt Engfehr, 2009) is a screwball true story that follows a couple of gonzo political activists as they infiltrate the world of big business and pull off outrageous pranks that highlight the ways that corporate greed is destroying the planet. Along the way the duo discover the culprits behind the cult of greed, and in a wildly uplifting ending, they find a way for everyone to defeat the cult and save civilization from its own worst excesses.

Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno are two guys who just can't take "no" for an answer. They have an unusual hobby: posing as top executives of corporations they hate. Armed with nothing but thrift-store suits, they lie their way into business conferences and parody their corporate nemeses in ever more extreme ways - basically doing everything that they can to wake up their audiences to the danger of letting greed run our world.

Thompson and Craighead

I googled them and found their website which crashed on me everytime I selected an image or video artwork to view. Strange. Managed to restore the site and watch:


Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of 'music.' Each phone has been individually programmed with a different ringtone, which played en-masse, create various harmonic layers all of which are based in some way on the popular and prevalent, NokiaTune.


It was actually quite tuneful and interesting.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 10 Digital Literacy Tasks

Three possible ways of developing an 'online presence':

Blog - a type of website with regular entries and could contain commentary, description of events, graphics, video etc and displayed in reverse chronological order.

Website - A collection of web pages, images, videos etc and hosted on a web server and accessed through the internet.

Portfolio - An online gallery show casing an artist's work.

I choose to create a website as my online presence because I would like to learn how to create one. I also want to include a cv, images, philosophy etc in my 'online presence' as a marketing tool.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

week 9


Free Software is software that can be used, studied and modified without restriction and can be copied and redistributed without restriction.


vimeo - longer video clips than you tube

ted.com - chronicals lectures and presentations annually

submedia.tv - blogging videos

ubuntu - computer operating system

open office - office suite

gimp - image editing

audacity - audio editing

open movie operating - video editing

blender - 3d animation

inkspace - graphics

scribus - layout

wordpress - blogging

wikimedia foundation - reference materials

In this video Tom Merritt, editor of CNet.com explains free options for all the usual programmes you normally pay for.

Evolution of Dance

This guy is amazing - dance moves to die for!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 8 Digital Literacy - Copyright Issues

Case Study #1

I don't think 'My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison was similar enough to to Ronald mack's "He's so Fine" to be infringing copyright.

Case Study #2:

Did the 1995 movie 12 Monkeys starring Bruce Willis copy artist Lebbeus Woods' pencil drawing done in of 1987 of his vision of a chair?

Yes I think they are very similar and Woods did very well out of the court case in receiving a 6 figure cash payout from Universal Studios in return for allowing the distribution of the movie to continue. Good on him.

Case Study #3:

There are definately original images and music tracks that are identifiable on the clip. I think this work is very cheeky and yes illegal but because it has been adapted and layered so much maybe not?! All artists get influenced by other artists work. If I had to be the judge I would find Keir Smith guilty of copyright infringement. Clever way to oppose the copyright laws.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Life Drawing

Must find out how to rotate these images!
Some done in black and white charcoal and the coloured ones in oil pastels. Really different mediums to work with and like how the oil pastels can be layered and smudged with your fingers.