Tuesday, April 28, 2009

week 9


Free Software is software that can be used, studied and modified without restriction and can be copied and redistributed without restriction.


vimeo - longer video clips than you tube

ted.com - chronicals lectures and presentations annually

submedia.tv - blogging videos

ubuntu - computer operating system

open office - office suite

gimp - image editing

audacity - audio editing

open movie operating - video editing

blender - 3d animation

inkspace - graphics

scribus - layout

wordpress - blogging

wikimedia foundation - reference materials

In this video Tom Merritt, editor of CNet.com explains free options for all the usual programmes you normally pay for.

Evolution of Dance

This guy is amazing - dance moves to die for!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 8 Digital Literacy - Copyright Issues

Case Study #1

I don't think 'My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison was similar enough to to Ronald mack's "He's so Fine" to be infringing copyright.

Case Study #2:

Did the 1995 movie 12 Monkeys starring Bruce Willis copy artist Lebbeus Woods' pencil drawing done in of 1987 of his vision of a chair?

Yes I think they are very similar and Woods did very well out of the court case in receiving a 6 figure cash payout from Universal Studios in return for allowing the distribution of the movie to continue. Good on him.

Case Study #3:

There are definately original images and music tracks that are identifiable on the clip. I think this work is very cheeky and yes illegal but because it has been adapted and layered so much maybe not?! All artists get influenced by other artists work. If I had to be the judge I would find Keir Smith guilty of copyright infringement. Clever way to oppose the copyright laws.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Life Drawing

Must find out how to rotate these images!
Some done in black and white charcoal and the coloured ones in oil pastels. Really different mediums to work with and like how the oil pastels can be layered and smudged with your fingers.